#143: Batman Returns Movie Review

December 20, 2023 01:00:36
#143: Batman Returns Movie Review
Capes and Tights Podcast
#143: Batman Returns Movie Review

Dec 20 2023 | 01:00:36


Hosted By

Justin Soderberg

Show Notes

This week on the Capes and Tights Podcast, Justin Soderberg welcomes comic retailer Paul Eaton to the program to review this year's Christmas movie, Batman Returns.

The monstrous Penguin, who lives in the sewers beneath Gotham, joins up with wicked shock-headed businessman Max Shreck to topple the Batman once and for all. But when Shreck's timid assistant, Selina Kyle, finds out, and Shreck tries to kill her, she is transformed into the sexy Catwoman. She teams up with the Penguin and Shreck to destroy Batman, but sparks fly unexpectedly when she confronts the caped crusader.

Batman Returns was directed by Tim Burton, written by Daniel Waters and stars Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Michelle Pfeiffer, Christopher Walken, Michael Gough, Pat Hingle, and Michael Murphy.

Released in 1992, Batman Returns was a box office success and a highly-rated Batman film.





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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Welcome back to the Capes and Tights podcast right here on Capesandtites.com. I'm your host, Justin. Soderberg this episode is our final episode before Christmas, so why not review a Christmas movie in the form of Batman Returns from 1992 with Michael Keaton, Dana DeVito, Michelle Pfeiffer and Christopher Walkett? Yes, it's a Christmas movie. And Paul Eaton from Galactic Comics is along for the Rye to discuss this Christmas movie on this episode of the podcast. So please check it out. We'll discuss all matters of the movie, but also how it is a Christmas movie and what our favorite Christmas movies are and so on and so forth. But before you do, check us out on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Blue Sky, as well as rate review, subscribe. Listen, do all those things over on Spotify, Apple, all your major podcasting platforms. If you like the video portion of this and you want to be in your inbox every week, check out YouTube as well for our YouTube channel. But this is Batman Returns movie review for the Christmas season here on Capes and Tights. Merry Christmas, everyone. [00:01:15] Speaker B: Christmas. [00:01:15] Speaker A: No, sorry. Happy holidays. I'm sorry. [00:01:18] Speaker B: Happy Holidays. [00:01:19] Speaker A: Just kidding. Well, it was funny as we were starting this podcast, but as we were leaving on Wednesday, I kept on saying, have a good Thanksgiving instead of Happy Thanksgiving. Because I do celebrate Christmas like Christmas is. I do. Say Happy Christmas. Merry Christmas. Whatever you want to do. But I don't really celebrate Thanksgiving. I don't know if we even said the word Thanksgiving when I was visiting my parents. We were there. It was time to we hung out, we had food, we had turkey, we had the traditional meal, we had the whatever, but it was just kind of funny. I'm like, it's one of those holidays. I don't know. I feel like you say Happy Halloween a lot because you trick or treat with your kids or you go places and you say it as you get your candy or things like that. But, yeah, Christmas. Sorry. Thanksgiving is one of those ones. I just get together with family. I don't know about anything, but what. [00:02:04] Speaker B: Else is it for Thanksgiving, really? That is kind of like the whole jill, right? [00:02:07] Speaker A: Turkey. Turkey. Which they do. [00:02:09] Speaker B: You could be one of these originally, I don't want to say corny because I'm sure there's people that do it, but you can be one of those corny people that go around and say what you're thankful for this year, or blah, blah, blah. [00:02:16] Speaker A: But like, no, my family doesn't do that because we're not thankful for anything. [00:02:21] Speaker B: No, I feel like it's getting together with families, having your meal and seeing each other. [00:02:26] Speaker A: This is my new relatives that you'll. [00:02:28] Speaker B: See next year at Thanksgiving. [00:02:29] Speaker A: Again, this is my new platform when I run for office of whatever the President of the United States is. I can actually run now, right? I'm 37, so I'm actually old enough to run for president. The idea that we pitched it November 22, okay, that was this year. So this Wednesday before Thanksgiving, I should say, right, should be the beginning of the quote, unquote, holiday season, meaning that Thanksgiving and Christmas both fall into the holiday season. And that holiday season is winter, Christmas, Santa, all that stuff, meaning whole deal. My dad listens to Christmas music on November 1. That's too early. But I think Wednesday night, I'll tell. [00:03:11] Speaker B: You right now that Liz has had it on in our house since November 1. [00:03:15] Speaker A: Wednesday night, she was taking down Halloween. [00:03:18] Speaker B: Decorations, like when we got back. [00:03:20] Speaker A: Well, you use the same tote in the basement. One has the Halloween decorations in it, Christmas decorations in it, then you rotate it out. But no, the idea that even so, Thanksgiving is done. Friday, we set up my Christmas tree at my parents house. So the holiday season already starts for a lot of people. I went and got my Christmas tree on Sunday. The holiday starts. Why don't I just shift it a couple of days and because people come into town, I'm not going to visit my parents for Christmas, right? I'm staying here in Maine, not going to Connecticut like I did for Thanksgiving. So this is an opportunity. So I celebrate the holidays. I get to pick one of the two to celebrate with my family in Connecticut. The other one I'll celebrate with my family that's up here. And just continue. Just forget the whole separating them and having a pain in the butt. People being like, oh, you can't put your Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving. It's too early. Just make them all one season, one big season. [00:04:08] Speaker B: It's the whole thing. You're in favor of this. [00:04:11] Speaker A: My brother got my brother Halloween in there then too. I'm like, no, that's pushing it. Halloween is not part of the holiday season, all right? [00:04:20] Speaker B: So I wouldn't not vote for you based on that. All right, let's go with that. I'm not offended by this presentation. [00:04:28] Speaker A: That's my only platform, though. Everything else I don't know anything about. If you want to know about something. [00:04:32] Speaker B: Else like, what about the economy? What about the economy? [00:04:34] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:04:37] Speaker B: You guys can figure this out. I just want the holiday season. [00:04:40] Speaker A: Holiday season, I want it to be okay. My wife's stepfather, so my father in law came a couple of weeks ago, and we were starting to slowly get we weren't going to be around around Thanksgiving. We have a two year old, my wife's pregnant. So it's like all these different things about taking our time, putting up Christmas decorations. So we put up a couple of things a couple of weekends ago and they came and they're like, you always already have Christmas decorations up. I'm like yes. That's not because we're like, let's go, Christmas, hurry up. It's because of timing and just making it easier to put things up. So I don't want to be frowned upon. And people look at me if they came over for Thanksgiving, I had, like, a Christmas village set up. No, it's the holiday season. It's the beginning of it. I drove to Connecticut on Wednesday morning in the snow. So here in New England, it is already winter. Holiday season. [00:05:24] Speaker B: That's true. Yeah. We went to Wyndham Wednesday night, and it was raining, but there was still snow all on the side of the road going down yonder in southern Maine. [00:05:34] Speaker A: That's me and my old 37 year old old man vent here on Casey Tights podcast. Get off my alarm. Get off the grass. I don't know if you ever saw Viva Laban, but get off the grass. We're here to talk another movie review, which is funny because that's what you normally come on to do with me now, but we will having soon. Honestly, I actually think the way these are going to air or air I say air like we're like a friggin TV show or radio is back to back weeks. So although we are going to record differently because this is recording in November and this is the fact that this will actually probably air or drop on December 20. No, it isn't back to back weeks. I actually skipped it. Never mind because I had to move our end of the year comic book review thing is actually going to drop on the first just because I added extra. Someone slid into that someone slid into that slot there. Paul. [00:06:28] Speaker B: That slot. Okay. [00:06:29] Speaker A: We're going to record the same time, but it's going to push the January it's only three days in review will. [00:06:36] Speaker B: Actually be in the new year. [00:06:37] Speaker A: Yeah. So we have to review comics that came out on January 3 because that's the only date. [00:06:44] Speaker B: No, you're going down the list. You're like, man, this is a lot of DC. [00:06:48] Speaker A: This will allow you to Paul, though. [00:06:49] Speaker B: Because of the only way Superman makes it on my list. [00:06:52] Speaker A: Because of that, though, this will allow you to actually include any comics books that came out on January or December 27. Because if we record you know what I mean, actually finishes the year before this episode actually drops the whole thing. [00:07:04] Speaker B: This year I have my list going, and I've been working on it and I've been changing it, adding it. So I'm pretty proud of myself. [00:07:12] Speaker A: I have mine mostly done probably too many honorable mentions months ago. [00:07:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:21] Speaker A: We'Re not here to talk about that yet. We're here to talk about best Christmas movie ever created. No, we're talking about Diehard is is a obscure Christmas movie for us, for most people. And I think we'll talk Batman Returns is what we're talking. But we'll also chat on Christmas movies and what should be considered a Christmas movie in some sense and what shouldn't. And there's other comic book Christmas related movies that are kind of like is, in your opinion, is a Christmas movie just something that happens during Christmas? Does it have to affect Christmas? Does it have to have Santa Claus in it? Does it have to have this? I personally think, and I'll go first on this, is that if it's obvious that it's happening during the Christmas season, then it's a Christmas movie. A lot of people consider horror movies around Halloween. They have nothing to do with Halloween. So why can't a Christmas movie be one that's like, okay, this movie takes place in Christmas. Diehard, for example, Die Hard, he travels to California, right, for the Christmas party. So that becomes a Christmas there's no reason why that shouldn't be a Christmas movie. It happens. He traveled for Christmas and you actually. [00:08:31] Speaker B: Get the Christmas, like the romance story. He's trying to spend it with his family and get back his wife. He's trying to get the love back. It's almost a Hallmark movie, except he. [00:08:41] Speaker A: Kills lots of this is Batman Returns is less of a Christmas movie, in my opinion, than Christmas. Yes. And that's to me, I don't understand why that couldn't be. Would you consider a Halloween movie a movie that takes place during Halloween? Around Halloween? Yeah, that's a Halloween you know what. [00:08:59] Speaker B: I think makes this hard, too, is because it's a sequel. Like where DD Nine didn't take place during Christmas or anything. And this one just happens to be around Christmas. But where it's a sequel. It also feels less than it's not like a traditional Christmas set up going. [00:09:15] Speaker A: Yes, but it's a Christmas movie. If you are a Batman fan, if you are a comic book fan and you're looking to keep yourself in genre but also watch something during the holiday season, you'd add this in there, this. [00:09:26] Speaker B: Could be your movie. [00:09:27] Speaker A: You honestly could add the Hawkeye TV series in there. You could put in there Iron Man Three because that happens during Christmas. If you want to stay in that lane, though, don't do that to yourself. [00:09:38] Speaker B: Don't do that. [00:09:39] Speaker A: I don't think if you're looking for a traditional, I mean, even you're not going to likely watch Diehard if you're looking for like, the Cocoa rap present and want that Christmas feel like you wouldn't watch that movie, you'd watch Elf or Santa Claus or Miracle on 34th street or something like that. Those are those, yes, but this is in the genre. If you're a comic book fan, then. [00:10:02] Speaker B: You'Re going to want Christmas. The Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas special, I think has worked its way in now because my oldest loves as much as stuff. But that's going to be like a Christmas routine. But I have never watched Batman return, specifically due to Christmas. [00:10:16] Speaker A: Christmas, yes. [00:10:17] Speaker B: Unlike so many other movies that we watch in the Christmas season and stuff. So, yeah, I could see you could certainly argue this is a Christmas movie. Yeah, but as a person who has a pretty large collection of christmas movies we watch every single year. Traditionally, this isn't in the list. [00:10:34] Speaker A: Yeah, if I have a shelf on my wall christmas movies, batman returns is with batman 89, not with the christmas movies, if that makes sense. Yeah, but one of the reasons I want to do this is because I wanted to start that discussion. We could have just watched diehard, and then this is in genre of comic books, batman so and so. I wouldn't watch batman that often. And first, let's back up. This should have just been called catwoman. First of all, this is not batman returns. This is just catwoman. [00:11:03] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. So this was interesting to watch again now, because I've talked about this before, when we do our reviews, I watch a movie in a whole new sense, like going through and paying attention to and this and that. So I grew up a diehard batman fan, and I grew up like, I was all in on this movie, right? There's a christmas there's pictures of me at christmas. I got my catwoman shirt on, and there's catman posters, and I'm getting batman returns toys. And I was like 100% sold. I had all the McDonald's glasses, you name it. If it was batman returns merchandise property, I owned it, right? I mean, I was all in. And I am sure I must have been, what, like eight once movie came out? Nine something? Like like, I'm sure that little eight, nine year old paul was arguing this was like, the greatest movie to ever be made. And watching it now, I'm like, I got some issues with this movie I didn't think I was going to. And I'm like, wow, all right. I have some problems with, like, for one yeah, there is a lot of catwoman and a lot of random background stuff, and not really all that much batman. [00:12:12] Speaker A: No, it's batman and penguin. Do you mean it's batman and penguin is the movie? And then it's like, batman? It's like a vessel. It's like the batman versus superman movie is like you're trying to decide whose movie is it if you ask someone truthfully who doesn't oh, what's put the best batman movies together? Or all the batman? Let's rank all the batman movies. Is it a batman movie that features superman, or is it a superman movie that features batman, or does it end up on both lists? I just feel like the villains in this movie were more prominently displayed than. [00:12:43] Speaker B: And batman was just sort of like the tool that solved the problem. [00:12:49] Speaker A: Yes. [00:12:50] Speaker B: Then he was like any sort of feature on him. [00:12:54] Speaker A: Look at the cast on this, though. The cast is huge. Too. DeVito. Danny DeVito. Christopher walken, michael keaton, michelle pfeiffer. Like what? [00:13:03] Speaker B: Well, this is another fun part of it that's interesting, too, is that growing up, my uncle and I would discuss action movies and discuss superhero movies and stuff like that. And one of his pet peeves is when they start overcomplicating with too many villains. And this has three villains. We don't just have Penguin, we don't just have Catwoman. We have them along with Max whatever his name is. [00:13:27] Speaker A: Shrek. [00:13:28] Speaker B: That's Shrek. Yeah, who's like a made up he's not even in the Batman lore. He's just this made up character that. [00:13:35] Speaker A: We want Christopher Walken in this movie somehow. Yeah. [00:13:37] Speaker B: And watching it, man, this is the most Tim Burton character of all time. [00:13:40] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:13:41] Speaker B: It was another one of those things, like, watching it now an adult in this perspective of it, I'm like, wow, this guy is Tim Burton through and through. You can see it. The crazy eyes, the hair is all nuts. Just 100%. There's still scenes in this movie I absolutely love. But I had some pretty serious plot problems with this movie that I never had as a kid. [00:14:07] Speaker A: Well, yeah, I would consider this, in a sense, in a weird way. Would you consider this somewhat of a horror movie, too? Because borderline horror because it's dark. And spoiler alert for a movie that came out in 1992, everybody. Christopher Walker max track kills Selena Kyle, Michelle Pfeiffer character by pushing her off the building and survives basically as a zombie in a sense. Like, she's not like full on Walking. [00:14:36] Speaker B: Dead zombie, but yeah, she's not all there. [00:14:39] Speaker A: She's not all there. She's definitely like he's like, are you okay? [00:14:43] Speaker B: There was like a brain damage and something snapped. [00:14:45] Speaker A: Yes. But that's horror to me, in that sense, penguin living in the sewer and looking away in the sewer, all of. [00:14:52] Speaker B: That screams where he's born and then. [00:14:56] Speaker A: He eats the cat. But that's Tim Burton. Dark in a sense. We talked about what's a Christmas movie is, nightmare Before Christmas, even though it has it in the title, an actual Christmas movie. Is it a Halloween movie? My wife and I consider it a Thanksgiving movie because we can watch it between Halloween and Christmas. It's like, right, my oldest will not watch that movie. [00:15:22] Speaker B: It freaks her out. [00:15:23] Speaker A: But that's Tim Burton for you. It's like he's never, ever going to make a straight ahead movie. I mean, all of his movies have this dark tone to it in this comedy, which actually kind of funny. People go, this is so much like Nightmare Before. Nightmare Before Christmas is so much like, no, this is so much like Nightmare Before Christmas when they don't realize that this came out a year prior to Nightmare Before Christmas. [00:15:44] Speaker B: Right. [00:15:44] Speaker A: Batman Returns came out in 92 and Nightmare Before Christmas came out in 93. And so the fact that this movie is actually Nightmare Before Christmas is actually more like this than the opposite. But no, I feel like it's a horror movie, too, and it's a weird it's definitely not a creepy circus stuff. It is a movie. It is a Christmas movie. It is a horror movie. It's all these things. And I think that speaks to what Tim Burton can also do. I feel like very good talent. [00:16:13] Speaker B: It hits any genre you're looking for, practically. [00:16:16] Speaker A: And it was you got your romance in there. Yes. [00:16:19] Speaker B: Your weird romance, by the way, that as a kid I'm like, oh, it's Batman, it's Catwoman. But when you're watching this, you're like, why are these two and why is Bruce Wayne and Selena, like, at all? A, like, he meets her and she's completely off her rocker. She's like, off in left field and here's this billionaire playboy, whatever that's also Batman. That's like, you know what? I think with my spare time, I'm going to see if I can hook up with her. [00:16:47] Speaker A: Is it because if you think about it, from Batman return or Batman sorry, to the Batman 89 to this one with Vicky Vale. Is Vicky vale different? Is it like an opposite? He just had this love interest in this person. Now I have this love interest, someone who's batshit crazy. No pun intended. Cat shit crazy. That's why the connection is there, right? Feels like the mysterious part of it. [00:17:20] Speaker B: Yeah. And they sort of hint at that, that she can see there's something that's not quite right with him, and obviously there's something not right with her. So that's sort of their appeal to one another, is that they can see this sort of weird, underlying dark tone to each other. But the romance in it was very quick and very think. So you get the scene with the Penguin coming out and all this and that, and shrek and the opening scene of the big package coming, and it opens up. That, to me, is still an awesome Batman action sequence scene. Like iconically awesome. The Batmobile comes in and it's great. There's so many weird comic book things in this movie, though. The Bat Signal goes up and then there are like four Bat signals all move at his house. And nobody's ever comes over to Bruce Wayne's house and is like, hey, why are these giant spotlights that look like the Bat symbol here? [00:18:22] Speaker A: That's the whole thing. And as a non DC fan, non Batman fan, I'm obviously gonna have more of a gripe about this than potentially someone who is. But like, the whole the fact that half of his face is covered, there is no voice modulation. So you still hear Bruce Wayne's voice as Batman. The fact that they were both in the same room together and something bad happens. They both are trying to make excuses to leave, and neither one of them were like, this doesn't seem right. [00:18:49] Speaker B: Yeah, it just doesn't seem to add. [00:18:51] Speaker A: Oh, my son, for some reason, it must be daycare. Wanted to watch the Hannah Montana movie last night. And that, to me, remind me a lot of the Clark Kent. That whole thing where it's like, she's a blonde wig on guys. That's literally all she has on that's different than Miley Cyrus. And the guy looking for her, searching for her, can't figure out the fact that he's like, at a hoe down and she's singing on stage and he's not like, voice sounds familiar. It's the same thing goes with this batman thing. It's like, there's spider man has a full face mask that covers Kevin conroy's. [00:19:26] Speaker B: Batman always sounded different. [00:19:29] Speaker A: Yes. [00:19:30] Speaker B: The Bruce Wayne had this, like a little bit higher pitch. It's like he faked his voice as. [00:19:37] Speaker A: You did a voice. Paul, though, if you dressed up in a hockey mask and did a voice, I'd still probably be able to be like that. Especially the people who are super close to like, I can understand someone who met you for the first time might not put the two and two together. Paul also fights crime at night. He also owns a comic book shop. There's a comic book story for you right there. But there's also, like, Bruce Wayne, the people who are close to what we. [00:20:01] Speaker B: Talked about before, but you would think. I also realized in this movie how sort of small Michael keaton looks as favorite Batman movie. Covered it up more. [00:20:14] Speaker A: Yeah, I think still live action. I should say. Live action. [00:20:19] Speaker B: Yeah, for live action, it's probably still him. I actually thought Robert pattinson did a good job as batman. [00:20:26] Speaker A: Is it too soon, though, to say that he's your favorite? If he has a couple more movies and he kills it in a couple more movies, then you can say that. [00:20:33] Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely. But yeah, I would say if you're going live action, like, Ben affleck wasn't a bad Batman. [00:20:38] Speaker A: No, I don't think so either. Trash. Kevin Conroy. Kevin conroy. Other than that, 100%. Yeah. [00:20:48] Speaker B: If you go live action, I'll probably go Michael keaton. Yeah. The idea that they're doing with this, like, Michael keaton is the retired batman and we do a batman beyond movie, I would god, I would love that. [00:21:00] Speaker A: Too bad. I just wish we could have done something with Kevin alive. So Kevin conroy could have done some sort of like even a voice of something or a voiceover of a batman or something. So you could have put like a batman, like cross know kind of thing with old batman, young batman, cartoon batman. I don't know. It would have been cool to see all that in one thing. But that's the one thing you can do kind of like they did for spider man. It's like, we have had all these iterations of spider man, so why not do something together? And that's something. I don't know. DC. Doesn't know what they're doing. They can't get their head out of their ass over there anyway. But we're talking back when they this is all beginnings of things. This is the was when marvel was. [00:21:44] Speaker B: Not doing so well. [00:21:44] Speaker A: No man thing came out around coming out. [00:21:47] Speaker B: Yeah, right. And Batman was like, this was amazing. And it's in it swept the nation it was everywhere. So going through this movie yeah, I have some issues. I like the circus and all that. The characters in that that are going around are cool. The live penguins are getting a bit much like watching yeah, it's like a little over the top. Danny DeVito is phenomenal. [00:22:14] Speaker A: I think he's great. He's such a phenomenal actor in general. Like the live variety of things he's played and done. It's unbelievable. [00:22:22] Speaker B: Oh, god. Yeah. Now that I'm older, I prefer the crime boss penguin over the mutant penguin where this is like he's definitely off. You know what I mean? Not only does he have the flippers, but he's got the teeth and eating the raw fish. And the weird black stuff come out of his mouth all the time. [00:22:41] Speaker A: You don't have a fear for him for being a villain. You have a fear for him because he's mentally unstable. It's not like if you walked up to someone on the street who is a villain, you'd be like, oh, shit, I got to hide. You also kind of fear that way because you don't know what a person with mental instability has. As a person walking in the street. You might step a few steps off to the left a little bit because you don't know if the person's going to jump at you or do something. [00:23:07] Speaker B: Yeah, he might randomly just attack you for the second. [00:23:09] Speaker A: That's what I feel like the fish eating thing. That's just a mental instability. A mental thing that's not like and he turned into a villain because of this. But it's not like Joker who's harming people. And he's also mentally unstable too. But he's more of a strong in your face villain. This guy just is just crazy. [00:23:31] Speaker B: One of the dangerous things about the Joker is you're never really sure is he insane or is he like super sane. Because he can put together these plots and these plans that add up to things where this version of the penguin is probably not going to be this big crime boss that does all that necessarily. He's just completely off. Like, who knows what he's going to do. And that makes it dangerous because you can't anticipate it. So I love this version. It's not really my favorite version of penguin anymore or anything. But it's cool. But yeah, the live penguins and all that gets to be a bit much. But the circus guys are cool. You do wonder. They hide in a zoo in a sewer. And these guys all went missing. Like you get into Bruce is looking in the past and they all go missing and this and that. No one's been down there, by the way. Their sewers are huge. Yeah, that opening scene after they throw the baby in and it's going through and it's like you guys got a lot of runoff or something. What do you need a sewer system this big for? Yeah, the Ninja Turtles, like the Pterodrome could drive through there. [00:24:47] Speaker A: The villain part for some reason, was catwoman. Max. Shrek. Not enough of a characters that they had to bring in the Dan DeVito story. Could we have done with one or the other? Like, could we have not had catwoman and still have I think you could. [00:25:04] Speaker B: Have gotten more accomplished in the plot if we stuck to just her and Max. Shrek. Because realistically Catwoman's in there and the romance side could have been done. More of what is going on between Selena and Bruce versus they're together on screen time, I would say. Must have only been a few minutes. Realistically. So you could have dove more into that into this. Like, when they realize who each other is, then it would make more relevant. [00:25:34] Speaker A: Out of it because they didn't have enough to make it seem honestly, Max. [00:25:39] Speaker B: Druck's a pretty good villain as far as you want to see him get it. He's a terrible person as a whole. [00:25:46] Speaker A: I bet it was more impactful in 1992 than it was now, because when you watch Christopher Walken now, you then add in all of the other roles that he's played over time. And to me, I'm just like, all I want to hear is more cowbell. And it's like, okay. At the time, Christopher Walken was probably looked apart as different than he is now. This is a Tim Burton movie. He's got a little bit of a makeup on his face. He's got the crazy hair and all that stuff. You're just like, I want to laugh at his character. Not as much fear his character. [00:26:11] Speaker B: It's funny because I can see the max. Shrek. And then he played the Headless Horseman in Tim Burton's. Yeah. Shoot. [00:26:19] Speaker A: Sleepy Hollow. [00:26:21] Speaker B: Thank you. But he was excellent in Sleepy Hollows is terrifying. And I feel like you see that the craziness. And I loved him. He played in another action movie with Bruce Willis, and he was really good as a villain in that. Um, so I can see the crazy Max Wreck thing, and he like, he's only out for himself, and he doesn't really care about the actual people of Gotham. He's building the power plant that's actually not a power plant. [00:26:51] Speaker A: Yes. [00:26:52] Speaker B: Also, that way he can, I don't know, screw over the city, make more money, and supposedly leave it for his only son. But, yeah, I think we probably could have left the whole Penguin story arc out and gotten a lot more about Catwoman and what she's doing and why she's doing it, besides the fact that she's nuts. Besides the fact she got thrown out of window. [00:27:12] Speaker A: The and I only say that because I feel like there is this sense that I don't think a lot of us people look at movies I look at them a little differently now just by looking at them more in depth. Not to say that we're perfect or I'm perfect at looking at movies. I. See things more as we've seen in the genre that we like, which is comic books and things like that, that we've seen the opportunity of someone this new Fantastic Four movie that came out a couple of years ago, they're like they were hoping to get three movies, four movies or whatever out of it. When you're going into filming or going into writing and you're getting ready to make this movie, you're like, this could be our only shot. So I want to do this story and this story and this story. So I've got to push them all into one. But at the moment that this movie came out, Batman, 1989 came out, was made for like 40 something, 50 something million dollars and made almost a half a billion. So you're talking the return on investment on that movie was drastically good. This movie should have just been like, we're likely going to get a third out of this. There's no real reason. We had all these movies that were doing trilogies and things like that. The Star Wars and the Indiana Jones and the Back to the Future. All those movies were getting the third movie. And so why push too much story into this thing? I don't think it ruined it. There's definitely movies ruined it. I do think it worked. I do think this is up there with me as up there with the favorite Batman movies. Like, it is a top five Batman movie, in my opinion. I think, but this almost could be top two ish top three if it didn't have yes, they cleaned it up. [00:28:42] Speaker B: Cleaned it up some. I think a catwoman Batman story would have been more interesting than a Batman penguin story. [00:28:48] Speaker A: Or why not just a catwoman story? Yeah, I mean, as much as I didn't want I'd like to having Michael Keaton in there in Batman, and I don't think they should have done that. They could have gone that route where it was like penguins there and had a little bit of Batman in it, like the Pops of him as cameos and just made it a catwoman story. And then the third movie or a third movie didn't have to be could have been more of them getting together or something, right? [00:29:09] Speaker B: You could have had catwoman fighting shrek and some they could have cleaned up some of this. So my overall largest problem with this movie that I found, and I think I just sort of overlooked it as a kid. But now, how did a pile of circus clown criminals that are obviously like base level criminals, find blueprints to the batmobile and or make them that the technology doesn't exist outside of Bruce like it's only his and then be able to go and might add they pulled wire out. Like, my time in automotive tells me that there's miles of electrical pieces inside a vehicle. And these guys have yanked it all out. It's all over the place. And what you would assume would be like, low educated criminals are able to make blueprints for a Batmobile take the Batmobile apart on the side of the road, reassemble the whole thing and take control of it. That is a real serious problem. It is real serious issue, yes. And there was no description. There was no explanation. It was just like, oh, my friends are at it. And you look over in the corner and there's, like, schematics of Batmobile on the wall. I don't think Bruce flushed them because that's supposedly how the Penguin found everything that he's managed to find, basically, was living in the sewers in his time. I don't think that the Batmobile blueprints were like, oh, we're done with these. [00:30:39] Speaker A: Oh, crap, toilet paper. Let's get the blueprints for the. [00:30:48] Speaker B: None. [00:30:49] Speaker A: Of that added was my that's my whole plot hole in the Batman lore in TV and movies that they kind of fixed in Batman Returns or sorry, batman Begins with the idea that they have someone helping him make this technology. And so he wouldn't even have them in Batman Begins. Morgan Freeman's character has these blueprints and things like that. [00:31:13] Speaker B: Yeah, lucius. Yeah. [00:31:14] Speaker A: He wouldn't have he wouldn't have them at the Banner. [00:31:17] Speaker B: No. I mean, he might for the sake of lucius has got them. [00:31:23] Speaker A: It would have been more ideal if he had, like, a little sketch on a napkin. [00:31:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:31:29] Speaker A: And, like an idea of how you get the Batmobile apart and back together but not full on this is where the screw goes, and things like that. It would have been more likelihood that he's just in the toilet taking a dump and he's, like, sketching out like, what do I want the Batmobile to look like? And then it flushed that and then that's how but it's just still paper. Right, but those are the plot holes, I think, that we all wait and expect in comic book movies. And that's that whole thing with, like, you say this we should believe the fact that the Penguin could survive in the sewer eating raw fish. [00:32:05] Speaker B: He didn't die as a child. [00:32:06] Speaker A: He's also extremely plump for a guy that eats out of the sewer. [00:32:12] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:32:13] Speaker A: He's not eating McDonald's cheeseburgers grease. [00:32:17] Speaker B: A lot of McDonald's grease down there. [00:32:19] Speaker A: He's not eating these things that you'd expect him to eat to gain weight and things like that. He would be skinny. He'd be what they were expecting to do in Gotham where in Gotham, Cobblepot is more skinny and creepy and frail looking. I feel like that's what I would get more of a Penguin living in the sewer than I would actually living in the sewer. But other than that, I feel like we could pick up any movie. Like I said to say, what I said last time we talked about it we were talking about this next time was this is still the best movie we've watched as a tandem in these superhero related movies or comic book related movies because it actually is a good movie. It's worth watching over and over and over saying you have to watch it during Christmas. But here's the deal. Watch Batman return or Batman 1989 sometime in November, and then watch Batman return sometime in December. Just to watch it during the Christmas season. Doesn't have to be like this. Like I said, fun to watch. Dudes, there don't look at your wife and be like, hey, we're going to set the Christmas tree up and we're going to put Batman Returns on. Don't do that. Watch a Christmas movie or a Christmas movie. What I will say is that there is right off the bat, there's a Christmas tree in the background. The package, the beginning. Yes. It starts off with that Christmas related theme. The music from all the scenes of. [00:33:38] Speaker B: The Batmobile driving through the snow is. [00:33:41] Speaker A: Phenomenal, especially as we live in New England. That's like screams winter and Christmas for us. It's amazing. The music by Danny Alfman. First of all, Danny Alfman is one of the best composers in the entire world. It's Christmas feeling. If you put that on, I think someone would go, is this Christmas music? Even though it's not designed to be Christmas music. I think that the music itself as you get through the music playing when penguins in the sewer and things like that, it has this twinkle, this Christmassy, snowy kind of feel to it. So the movie feels Christmassy as I'm watching it again. Even more. I believe Diehard is a Christmas movie even more than Diehard. It has this feel of Christmas going on because once the Diehard, once they're at the party and Hans starts to take over again, spoiler. [00:34:34] Speaker B: Diehard, which I got to tell you, if I haven't seen Diehard, shame on you. [00:34:37] Speaker A: The spoiler of he's taking over the tower. It's like basically every once in a while, you see him run through a room as a Christmas tree in the background. But it's really not until the end where it's more like getting together as a family and all that. So this has that more feel because of Danny Elfman and Tim Burton's directing. Dana Waters, along with Sam Ham, wrote this movie too. Sam Ham wrote Batman 1989. So the writer for Batman 1989 helped Co write this movie too, which makes sense in that sense. [00:35:10] Speaker B: It definitely has the same feel as the Batman 89. Yeah. [00:35:17] Speaker A: Completing it because I felt like Batman Begins had a similar feel to Dark Knight. But the Dark Knight and Dark Knight, those two had more of a feel of being cohesive movies together than the first and the second movie of the Dark Knight trilogy. [00:35:32] Speaker B: Right. [00:35:32] Speaker A: And so this movie makes sense that it feels like it goes together and then it just drops off a cliff. Yeah. [00:35:39] Speaker B: It's so sad. That the third movie because Tim Burton was working on the third Batman movie and it's so sad that it didn't continue. For what I gather, it was really in the works when all of a sudden, they changed. I can't remember who the director was for the third and fourth. They changed everything. [00:35:58] Speaker A: Yeah, it was personal opinion, not for the second. That was Joe Schumacher. [00:36:05] Speaker B: Joe Schumacher. That's what I thought it was. [00:36:07] Speaker A: But I didn't want to and then misquote Batman and Robin, it was also Schumacher. So these two first ones kind of were felt together. And that's why the second two kind of felt together, too. Even though the boy that Bruce Wayne saves is in his 40s. We don't have time to go into that. [00:36:28] Speaker B: So many problems. But, yeah, we could watch later down the road for a terrible B rated movie. We could watch Batman and Robin. [00:36:41] Speaker A: I'd want to say batman forever. And Batman and Robin together. Discuss the two. [00:36:46] Speaker B: We could do that because, people it's funny. I finally met someone who loves Batman. Robin loves it. He saw it in theater nine times more than any other movie. [00:36:58] Speaker A: Why? [00:36:59] Speaker B: Well, and when he started talking about. [00:37:00] Speaker A: A movie with too many characters in. [00:37:02] Speaker B: It, too, and just bad, he explained it that he grew up on 66 Batman, okay? The Adam West, the Corny, the cheesy, the Goofy. So for him, it was all of his childhood Batman stuff redone in this new flashy version because, boy, is it corny and cheesy and hurt. This is my Batman. Like, I grew up on the 89 Batman. To me, batman was dark. Batman. This Batman kills criminals. I'm pretty sure the guy that got the fire ball from the back of the Batmobile probably didn't survive that. [00:37:38] Speaker A: No, they're not sure. We get decapitated. But you know what? [00:37:41] Speaker B: And, you know, if you're watching in the 89 movie, he's annihilating an awful lot. Dudes, you could get into like, Batman didn't kill him. The explosion killed him. Batman caused the explosion. But yeah, there's a lot of criminals that are probably dead from him. [00:38:03] Speaker A: I didn't kill the person. The poison that I gave the person killed, I wrote that. I didn't say it was right. After all, the music feels creepy. Christmas feel. I wrote more graphic than the original Batman because you were thinking of even Batman 89. This is more graphic than that one. And this is obviously more graphic than Tim Burton. Sorry, Adam West. Batman. This is a change in direction that. [00:38:28] Speaker B: He'S got that big, muscle bound dude he has the bomb on and pitches over the side, and that guy explodes. [00:38:33] Speaker A: And that's what I think what we saw between Dr. Strange and dr. Strange, two multiverse of madness. Like, you saw this whole deep, dark creepiness to it and that this one has I will say, though, that one problem I've always had with everything that's 1989 Batman and all this stuff is these sets that they're in driving the streets look like sets on a movie studio. [00:38:55] Speaker B: They look like a comic book. They look like a movie set. Yeah. And it's funny, because at one point, I had watched, like, I became obsessed with the heath ledger, joker, the batman, and all that was filmed in, I think, Chicago, and it's all, like, actual, real places. And I went back and watched 89, and I had that, like, man, this looks corny and goofy. But then the more I get into the comic book sense of it, it's source material. It looks like the gotham you see in the comics and stuff. It's always sort of dark. It's always got, like, the buildings are these fantastic over the top stuff. So I sort of enjoy it again. Now, going back through it definitely does not look real. [00:39:44] Speaker A: Well, the dark knight trilogy, they actually made characters go out in the day. Yeah, they had 24 hours a day in gotham city. In these batman movies, from the during. [00:39:58] Speaker B: The day, crime doesn't take place. There is nothing happens. [00:40:01] Speaker A: They don't even go out. They're all nocturnal. They all do things at night, and they sleep during the day. They work night shifts. Batman night shift is the next thing I'm going to next thing I'm going to create out there. But you're right. So one of the things I will. [00:40:15] Speaker B: Say, poor guy that just runs like bodega and gotham man all day. There's nothing. [00:40:22] Speaker A: 1989, and this definitely were more realistic looking than when they got to forever. Forever, to me, was just like, everything seemed over the top, hokey. [00:40:33] Speaker B: And it was funny because I saw that as a child. And as a child was like, what the hell is happening right now? The neon glowing and all of the criminals being so over the top in. [00:40:44] Speaker A: Those movies, it was trying to make it realistic. It's like taking a live action. It's like when they did a live action lion king. To me, I hate how yeah, it's. [00:40:53] Speaker B: Like, we're trying to make a cartoon look real cartoon live action. Right? [00:40:58] Speaker A: Yeah. And that they almost like, make this. [00:41:00] Speaker B: Look like a cartoon. [00:41:01] Speaker A: And I think it backfired, because for me, personally, I'll read a comic book. I'll watch the animated batman stuff if I want that batman. I don't care if you a little bit like I said, this batman returns has this okay, you feel like it's comic book movie. It's not realistic. This is a fake thing. Okay, cool. Run with it. But when you go too far into, we're trying to get this to look comic bookie, is then going, I don't want that. Then I'll just read the comic book. I don't need to read. [00:41:28] Speaker B: It is the dark. These characters are trying to kill one another. They don't care about things. These criminals don't care about the well being of, like, there's blood. I mean, you see batman's injured and hurt, and he's like, it's all very much more real than the next group of batman movies. It's just over the top ridiculous. Well, there's Bat Nipples. When you get the bat nipples, that's pretty much sums it all up. [00:42:02] Speaker A: I see his bat print in his G string there, too. No kidding. Mushroom print. [00:42:09] Speaker B: How much Batman marketing did you need on this year on your costume? Aren't you just like, going to fight crime? You're not selling a brand. He's going to be pumping up the Batman air. Jordan. Yes, just everything. It's so bad. [00:42:22] Speaker A: What did I just pull out that. [00:42:25] Speaker B: Friggin Batman credit card? [00:42:27] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm reading the book Secret Santa by Andrew Schaefer. It's a comedy horror Christmas book, and it has some feel of the office in a sense, but it's a secret Santa gift that mysteriously gets given to was talking they were talking about in the book about how secret Santa is anonymous thing that you're not supposed to know. And the person responds back to her goes, so is AA. But the beginning of AA, they had you announce who you are to the entire group. And I was like, oh, my God, I've never thought of it that way, ever. When someone's like you always book club, when we're always like, hi, my name is Justin. And I was like, oh, my gosh. I understand their theory is that it's anonymous, that you're going to other people outside of the group. But in the same sense, I'm like, but maybe you might know someone in there or someone might know your name. So maybe it should just be anonymous that you shouldn't be like, hi, I'm Justin. You should be like, anonymous. That's funny. I never thought of it that way. Alcoholics Anonymous. They announce who they are at the beginning of every single. [00:43:29] Speaker B: That is funny. [00:43:30] Speaker A: But that was like, okay. And this Batman's like, you're supposed to be this secretive person, and I'm waiting for the Batman to have, like, a neck tattoo of the Batman symbol. That's not me. That's not me. Don't worry. [00:43:42] Speaker B: No, definitely not. But there's a lot of crazy cornball stuff in this. But still takes itself much more serious than the next series of Batman movies. [00:43:55] Speaker A: It's not the best Batman, but it's definitely by far not the worst Batman, in my opinion. And I think it does have that Christmas feel that categorizes this way more than other Christmas. [00:44:04] Speaker B: I think if you want nothing else, if you watch this like you had said, purely for the soundtrack and for some of the imagery in it, you got it right there. Like, it's a win just for that. [00:44:17] Speaker A: So we'll have a post, obviously, recording this earlier than it's being released, but we'll have a post on Capesandights.com if you want. We have a section actually, for some reason for the holidays. I've done this last year was Capesandites.com Christmas. And it has a bunch of Christmas related things. Christmas comics to read, christmas books, movies, TV, all that stuff. But one of the things we have is a countdown or countdown, a list of comic book or superhero related Christmas movies. And there's also shows, but I feel like a show TV shows take place over a period of time. And so I feel like every comic book related TV show, arrow, Flash, all them had a Christmas episode. So it's kind of hard to be somewhere in so but honestly, Shazam, the Shazam movie takes place during Christmas. [00:45:06] Speaker B: Oh my god, it does. Yeah, you're right. [00:45:08] Speaker A: You're talking, iron man? Like I mentioned before, I had other ones too. I don't remember what they were. Spider Man, I sort of forgot that. Hawkeye TV show. The Hawkeye show, the whole show takes over Christmas play at front time. But that also leads into no way Home, I believe has a Christmas scenes in it. Batman returns. I mentioned that into the Spider verse takes place during first the first one into the have I mentioned Shazam? So there is a few Christmas movies in there that are also comic book related movies. Again, this is not talking like you're. [00:45:49] Speaker B: Talking your traditional I think this is the closest to a Christmas movie of any of them besides the Guardians of the Galaxy one, literally the Guards of Galaxy and Christmas special. I'm guessing the one that's the most Christmasy of all of it. [00:46:03] Speaker A: I'm guessing what if is coming out December 22 for nine episodes straight every day, there's going to be a new one for Christmas stuff. The poster is Christmasy, so I'm guessing they'll have something in there that's Christmas related. But I don't know for sure. But yeah, I would say Iron Man Three, as much as you don't like that movie, would be the Marvel equivalent. I think of this in the sense of it being holiday related, because there. [00:46:32] Speaker B: Is I would much rather watch this than Iron Man. [00:46:35] Speaker A: Yes, I know you would. But they go into the bar to meet that person who has the extremist thing and that there's a Christmas tree in the background. It's snowing. The kid's celebrating Christmas. At the end, he gives the kid a Christmas present, which is the new robot stuff and all that stuff. So it definitely has that Christmas feel. Like I said, the Hawkeye has that Christmas. Shazam has that Christmas feel. Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas special, obviously, but those are the ones that yes, definitely would make the cut on that list of Christmas movies. But the number one Christmas movie out there, though, what is your favorite Christmas movie that you do? What's your most rewatchable Christmas movie? [00:47:13] Speaker B: Because there's definitely good Christmas my favorite Christmas movie. Favorite Christmas movie. Most rewatchable Christmas movie is the Christmas Story. [00:47:22] Speaker A: Okay. [00:47:24] Speaker B: I don't know. It gets me with the kid growing up and wanting this present and his dad getting it for him when mom wouldn't. I definitely feel like my stepfather is military and he's very like I don't know. He did the best he could raise me, but he didn't understand me the way like other people did. But he would get me gifts periodically. That meant a lot and still mean a lot to me because it came from him. So that movie always gets me. That's my favorite Christmas movie. I absolutely love Elf. And I love Christmas movies. I love Elf. I love Christmas vacation. There's so many Christmas movies I absolutely love. However, Christmas story is mine. That's my favorite. [00:48:07] Speaker A: So I have a mixture of just what I watched because I think it came out right around when I was as a younger kid is The Santa Claus with Tim Allen. It's always been up there for me along with Home Alone and those ones. But that movie, I don't know if there's something about the whole idea that explains the Christmas lore in a cool way. [00:48:29] Speaker B: Yeah, santa Claus is really becomes Santa and they get deep into the well, I like. [00:48:34] Speaker A: The thing I like the most about your pick versus my pick is the fact that yours is Christmas gift related. Like Christmas morning? Christmas? Presents. Christmas. That mine is the Santa Claus story related. Meaning that there's different sides, two different. [00:48:51] Speaker B: Stuff, two very different aspects about it. Yeah. [00:48:53] Speaker A: And then Batman Returns just happens during. [00:49:00] Speaker B: End the end scene where he gets the cat and he picks the cat up in the snow and it was almost like it doesn't say it, but I think he says he says Merry Christmas to it's like, that was almost like a gift to Bruce from yep. Because you see her shadow and he stops and then at the very end of it, she stands up and you see her looking out over the nice little Christmas piece in like, why not? [00:49:29] Speaker A: My argument is, if this movie and Diehard are not Christmas movies, then neither is Home Alone because Home Alone could have happened on Easter weekend. It could have happened for summer vacation. It could have happened all these things. I know people like, they purposely went away for Christmas, but they could have gone away on any vacation. It just happened to be during Christmas. [00:49:52] Speaker B: We could have had that during Thanksgiving. It could have been just like planes and automobiles, except it's Kevin getting left at home. [00:49:58] Speaker A: Yes. There is this thing that I believe it's a Christmas movie. It definitely is a Christmas movie. My whole point is if someone believes that Home Alone is then they have to even entertain the idea that this. [00:50:09] Speaker B: And you sort of should be accepting that Diehard also is correct. And so could Batman returns. [00:50:16] Speaker A: So I will say that out of a five star ranking that this person over here will give us three and a half Christmas trees, three and a half stars. Because I don't think there is a five Batman movie for me. I think that Dark Knight is my favorite Batman movie. And I think that even came out as a four or four and a just haven't there isn't this that's the epitome, in my opinion of Batman movies. Heath Ledger's Joker is absolutely phenomenal. I know you don't like Christian Bale, but at least people don't watch The Dark Knight, though. People don't watch The Dark Knight to watch Batman. They're watching. That for Heath Ledger's. Joker. [00:51:00] Speaker B: You're watching it for Heath Ledger because Christian Bale's Batman is just not very interested in me. And I don't particularly like Christian Bale. [00:51:08] Speaker A: And then I like Batman 89 better than this, and so on and so forth. So there has to be a spot for this has to fall into and I don't do like 3.75 or 3.83.93. .5 is better than average, but not as good as 89 and not as good as Dark Knight. [00:51:21] Speaker B: Yeah, I think I would fall in the same point scale. As a kid, I probably would have said that this was higher. Like, my nostalgia and growing up with it. And I know my die hard childhood love with this movie, watching it now as an adult and going on and looking at everything else that's been out for Batman movies and this and that. I'd say three, five is probably a fair scale. Yes. I would say watch this movie. Garrett's watched this movie. He still hasn't watched 89 because when I told him to go watch Batman 89, he thought that's what this was. Until about halfway through, he realized this was a sequel, which, by the way, buddy, Return should have probably hinted at that for you. [00:52:00] Speaker A: He Returned. It's not the TV show Batman. It's not Adam West batman. It's the return. No cinna score polls. It's one of the ones they give on. Like, I am around Wikipedia and things like that. Gave it a B on the A plus to F scale, so I can understand that a little bit. It's definitely one of those ones that fits right in the watchables. [00:52:22] Speaker B: It has its moments. [00:52:25] Speaker A: I just had it open to it. Rotten Tomatoes had it at a did I put on my notes? I did not put it on my notes. I usually put it on my notes. But Rotten tomatoes. I loved returns. [00:52:38] Speaker B: It was like a high mid, if I remember correctly. [00:52:40] Speaker A: Yeah. So Batman Returns puts it at 81, which, again, I think in that if you did a relationship three and a half. Yeah, right there. Audience scores at 75. So that's a 75% ish there. And so it is one of those ones that people are like, this is a good movie. You're not going to say this is one. It's not up for awards of all time, but it's also not an unwatchable movie. And so having a three and a half is actually not a crazy score. I think there's definitely people who this is their favorite Batman movie. [00:53:15] Speaker B: Like I said, I saw this in theaters. And I bet if you saw this in theaters as a kid and the 89 had come out, and you didn't see that one, and then you saw this one. This could be your favorite Batman. And the imagery in this movie and the circus guys really get me because they're really pretty cool, like all these different circus villains. And the guy in the big skull helmet with the googly eyes thing. The imagery of this movie is fantastic. I can see somebody saying this is their favorite. [00:53:42] Speaker A: And we know Christopher Walken, you have your michael Keaton is one of the better Batmans that's ever happened. Michelle Pfeiffer was great, and so was Danny DeVito. So you have those characters all kicking butt in a movie that you'd like. If you think back on it, that's an all star cast. Every single one of them did their job. I just think that there was some like said, there's some plot holes in there somewhere. The know, the one thing I didn't bring up, which I want to finish off with here is Michelle Pfeiffer's catwoman suit would be impossible to get into by yourself. Do you know what mean? Like, yeah, skin tight. [00:54:18] Speaker B: It's cool that you see her make this. And I love the scene where she's in the car and she's like got the mask in her mouth and she's rooting through a purse. And Batman's like any dress perfectly downstairs in the Batcave with all this she's fishing this thing that's falling apart out. And he's got multiple costumes to pick. But yes, that thing is skin tight. [00:54:44] Speaker A: And it's also sewn together in a way that I feel like if you were to try to put it on yourself, that you rip it some more, maybe put on a sweatshirt or a jersey, something that's too tight. And you're like you hear that? You're like, oh, I just ripped the steam out somewhere. And it just loosened a little bit, or whatever. But it's definitely one of those things that you're like, oh, that's not very good. You put on something you haven't put on for a while, and you bend over. You're like that's sewn together in a way that would definitely tear apart. And I, and you probably know this too, have helped our better half put something on, zip something up that wasn't as tight as this. And we had to help them put that on, let alone seeing unless she had to figure out a way to zip up the back of it. And it's like a hook on the wall that she's able to put her neck on and drop down to the ground so that she can zip it up. And maybe the cat, she's definitely not. [00:55:28] Speaker B: Putting it on in the car. [00:55:30] Speaker A: No. Unless you're the cats. Like, the cats come out of nowhere and put everything you know what else. [00:55:33] Speaker B: It would have been interesting to get into is like, there's the phone. She's doing martial arts. She's doing gymnastics. She's doing all of this stuff. She's. Using the whip. That is a lot of trained abilities that we never got of how she can do any of this. You never got any of that, but no. The cat suit, yeah, that looks problematic. The one in the newer movies looks a lot more like reasonable to put on. It's got the zipper. She puts it in one suit. It probably could have been used for something. As you could have said, it was like a motorcycle costume or something. It was when you use for another purpose somewhere versus this thing that she makes is not that's a fine call out. [00:56:24] Speaker A: Yes, but it's cool. I like it's better than Haley Berry. That's a whole other discussion. But it's Christmas season. Watch this movie we'll be doing. The plan is to do and things change. So don't hold us to this on this podcast and you're listening to this this far and go, oh, they didn't do that. Next month or the next month after is to do the TV pilot Generation X next in the beginning, some point in the new year that your wife will be like, why is Justin making you watch this again? [00:56:55] Speaker B: Yeah, what are you watching now? [00:56:56] Speaker A: Why have I never heard of this? [00:56:57] Speaker B: If this is a Marvel thing and I'll be like, because it's awful. [00:57:01] Speaker A: It's going to be probably one of the worst that we've watched so far. That's saying something. And so yeah. And going in there and we'll also have our comics of the year coming up here, which I'm pretty excited about, that kind of stuff going on there. And if you're looking for last minute Christmas gifts and you live in the Bangor area because this is going to drop on the 20 December and that's too soon for you to ship anything. But you live in the greater Bangor area and listening to this episode. Galactic Comics and Collectibles in Bangor, Maine has a bunch of cool stuff, including some signed book plates on some graphic novels and trades that are in the shop. [00:57:35] Speaker B: Awesome creators. [00:57:36] Speaker A: Yes. If you want to buy me one, that's great. If you want to help support, stop. [00:57:46] Speaker B: By and support Justin's habits, yes, kind of. [00:57:48] Speaker A: If you want to buy Paul something, you can go to over and Over Brewing Company and buy him a gift card that works it's both. If you're looking for Christmas gifts to get your favorite people in the world right here on Capes and Tights no, we have some cool ones coming up too. We got some cool people coming in the new year next week is Ryan, Katie and Andrea Mutey of Haunt You to the End. Coming on the podcast from Top Cow. [00:58:14] Speaker B: I just ordered the trade paperback for. [00:58:17] Speaker A: That which has an awesome poll on the back of it. Yeah, great poll on the back of that one. [00:58:22] Speaker B: Some guy got printed again. [00:58:24] Speaker A: So that's coming out at the beginning of the new year, which is awesome. So we'll be putting that episode out ahead of time of that as well as we're working on doing some more stuff with authors this year, too. So we've got some cool authors coming on the beginning of the year. Jesse Lumberg is going to come on and chat his stuff. One of our friends, Jesse, we met up with at the Bangor Comic and ToyCon, as well as he's doing some other cool stuff out there and so on, so forth. Other people trying to get on the podcast. Yeah, it's end of 2023 here, buddy. And we'll have our comic books of the year coming up here pretty soon. I'm excited. Going into 2024. It's going to look cool. I don't know how the comic book industry is going to look, but it'll be different. [00:59:00] Speaker B: I think you're right. I think it's going to look like Marvel books start at $5. [00:59:03] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh, that was horrible this week. I'm sorry I'll put that out there. I could say that. What did I get? Like, I don't know, six or seven Marvel books. And five out of the six or seven were 499 and one of them was three. [00:59:21] Speaker B: There was one for 399 and I think the other like six or seven or whatever. [00:59:25] Speaker A: It wasn't even like number ones or whatever. They were like 39 and 26 and whatever random books. And I'm like, I understand maybe they're making them longer, but it's just going to be the price of things. I feel like you're going to just alienate some people for me to be like, paul, stop ordering as many Marvel comics and give me some of those indies for 399. And Tom McFarland still selling his for 299. [00:59:49] Speaker B: 299. [00:59:50] Speaker A: But sweet. Well, merry Christmas to everybody who celebrates. Happy Hanukkah, happy holidays, all those things to everybody. We're an inclusive podcast here. But Merry Christmas to you, Paul. I'll see you before then. But for those who don't know each other, every week, merry Christmas. Like I won't multiple times a week lately. I've been so busy. I haven't been in like once a week. But we'll see. But I will see you tomorrow night for book Club naughty list. Thanks, Paul. [01:00:19] Speaker B: Thank you. Merry Christmas, guys. One.

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